Toby Knapp

Toby Knapp

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#BACKtoWORK: Ready or not we're ALL GOING BACK to WORK! Anxious? Read me!

Ready or not, the office life is back.

And according to a new survey, it seems the majority of Americans fall into the ‘not’ category.

In total, 65% of workers say they’re anxious about the office reopening. Here’s a closer look at exactly what has them less than excited with the prospect of leaving remote work behind them.

● Managing Home Care Logistics. Now that they’ve finally figured out how to balance work/life at home, people don’t seem ready to give it up. The leading cause for concern in folks is how their child, family, and pet care routines would have to change.

● Health Risks. Despite the vaccine rollout, the second biggest reason people are nervous about going back to the office is their health. Just under half of the study said they’re “very concerned” about it.

● Social Interaction. People are a little rusty with their conversational skills and it’s bringing them a lot of anxiety. A whopping 43% of workers admit they’re “very concerned” about interacting with their coworkers in person again. If only you could mute someone IRL.

HT: The Ladders

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